Here’s a version of the video with the sound and text balloons turned off, in case you’d like to see the video without the exciting commentary.

At eLummp Ecovillage, friendly eLummps sit ready — and eager! — to hold your e-reader or phone for you, while you’re using your device and while you’re not. The eLummps love holding your device, your device loves being held, and you love having such a nice device holder in your life.
There is nothing else like an eLummp.
Unique & Innovative Features that Set the eLummp™ Apart
eLummps were invented by a woman who got poisoned by pesticides, causing her to became sensitive to many modern-day materials. She searched far and wide for a non-toxic way to comfortably use her e-devices while she was working at her desk, or eating lunch, or reading in bed — but she couldn’t find anything. And so she started down the pathway to creation. A few months later, she was surrounded by eLummps, clamoring to fulfill their destiny.
Like their creator, eLummps take the concept of “all natural” totally seriously. We don’t use synthetics — our fabric is real plant-derived cloth, often certified organic. We don’t use plastics — our filling is sustainably grown buckwheat hulls. Even our thread is 100% organic cotton — no polyester.

An eLummp is a pleasure to use. Basically, you plop it down and then put your device in the groove. A solid base and a protective lip form naturally. The eLummp’s unique patent-pending design is simple yet ingenious and elegant. Using an eLummp will reconnect you to your ancestral roots, when all the things we used in our daily lives were closely connected with the Earth. eLummps are lightweight (under 9 ounces), portable, always happy to be squashed.

eLummps are friendly. No rough edges. Nothing cold or hard. Despite the “ah”s in the demo video, eLummps are actually very quiet. The only sounds you’ll hear are an occasional soft soothing sigh of buckwheat hulls nestling against each other. What a wonderful companion for reading on a rainy day. We’re careful about not using fragrances, too. People are sensitive to a wide range of things these days — increasingly so — but, if you value serene, non-toxic living, your odds of being happy with an eLummp are super-high compared to any other e-device holder you could find.

We believe that our product — and the way we run our company — should make the world a better place. It’s important that what we make doesn’t harm the Earth but instead promotes Earth-friendly practices. It’s important that it doesn’t harm the user but instead helps them, and that it doesn’t victimize workers around the world but instead provides them with good livelihoods to enjoy. eLummps are 100% natural and 100% recyclable. They are uniquely qualified — and eager — to be a part of every eco-lifestyle.

eLummps come in a gazillion designs, created from the world’s most beautiful all-natural fabrics, including rare and designer lots. And soon you’ll be able to choose your custom design with our mix-and-match eLummp generator. Select any two pieces of fabric from our extensive offerings, and we’ll make your eLummp for you. And, for extra coolness, eLummps are reversible, so you can, for instance, switch between jellyfish on the back/opossums on the belly, and opossums on the back/jellyfish on the belly, depending on what you’re in the mood for.
eLummps do a great job of holding your e-device just where you want it. They’re happy to accommodate themselves to your desires, shifting their buckwheat obligingly. They seem to know just what to do — it’s like they have a physics degree! eLummps happily and securely hold most e-readers and phones. They hold e-devices up to 7 inches wide. They can even hold wider devices if you’re adventurous and up for some off-label use.

About eLummp Ecovillage

eLummp Ecovillage is a virtual community. It symbolizes our commitment to living in a natural, healthy environment. We’re an actual ecovillage in the sense that we work in clean, ecological spaces using high principles of stewardship for the Earth and its inhabitants.
eLummp Ecovillage shares its consciousness with the ecovillage movement throughout the world, where people strive to live wise, simple, full, and satisfying lives in concert with the Earth and its natural processes.
Why “eLummp”?
It’s hard to come up with a word to describe what we are! You try it! The name “eLummp” came to our inventor out of nowhere, and after trying for weeks to come up with a less lumpy name, she decided to embrace it. It’s memorable and it’s unique — just like us. We’re not lumpy at all, but we are kind of a lump. In a great way! And with 2 “m”s because we’re not like lumps in your gravy. We’re not lumps. We’re lummps, with a delicious “mmmmmm” in it.
How do you use an eLummp?
All you have to do is position your eLummp so the corner joins are at the sides, then grab it by the bottom seam and plop it down. It’ll form a secure base with a bit of a groove and a lip, and you can just set your e-device in the groove. If the angle’s not exactly how you want, it’s easy to adjust — just give it a strategic poke or two. You’ll soon discover all the ways you can arrange your eLummp to suit your wishes.
How does an eLummp work?
Magic? eLummps don’t consider it work, btw. It’s more of a calling.
How can I get an eLummp?
Just one? They’re happy alone, but the eLummp in your home office is even happier to know there’s another eLummp in the bedroom, for instance (and vice versa). Or in the kitchen. Or living room. Wherever you read, or use your phone. Of course, eLummps also love being carried from room to room. They can be dangled by their corners if you like, very enjoyable for all concerned. (Take the e-device out first!)
As for how you can get eLummps…
Yoo-Hoo, Investors!
While eLummps are far more than just a gleam in our eye, as evident from the photos on this page of actual living eLummps, we’re looking for the right people with the right energy and the right resources to bring eLummps full-force into the world. We’re looking for investors / licensor(s) / start-up partners. Contact us for access to our Investors Page — or if you already have the password, sign in here.
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